" Some People are born with an identity, others have borne one".
Who am I? This three worded question is one of the toughest ones for me to answer. I have been searching for my identity since the day I understood the basic underlying truth of the world that life is nothing but a race for survival. Identity is the only thing that sets us apart from animals, no matter in whatever ways may we be related to them. It is the only thing that sustains my growth as an individual in this crowded universe and sets me apart from every other entity. I have always tried to establish an identity of my own, that would truly speak of the real me. It's not been that easy though because life does not always propagate you to display the real 'you' to the outside world. These inhibitions are often the call of the time and situation, two essential elements that lay constraints around you. Also sometimes it may so happen that you don't want the world to know why you do certain things. These are the times you need to disguise yourself as someone else. And it is these disguises that veil our real identities. When I retrospect back into my past, I find that I have only at certain junctures shown the world my true identity while most of the times the mask I put on (which the world thinks to be me) is something that even I find a stranger. While there are numerous reasons for this masquerade, it is difficult to enumerate why I have been unable to shed this veil. No doubt this veil has become my identity to the outer world. What is much more of a concern for me is that I seem to have lost the skills I once possessed in handling my disguises as I find myself inquiring about my real identity. The real me seems to have somewhere lost itself in the shrouds of my cloaked identity.
Although as a 21 year old I haven't seen the whole world, yet my experiences have taught me a lot about the how all these work. The various stages of our life have a lot of impact on our growing up. In our pre-teen years we always try to emulate other people, who have influenced us. During the teens and early twenties, when we are suddenly thrusted onto the threshold of worldly existence, we start looking out for carving an image for ourselves. This leads to an egoistic surge for the making of the 'I' different from others that could be easily recognised amongst a crowd. This 'I' predominates all the decisions and choices we make. Later on we start understanding our responsibilities and our family comes into the forefront but the 'I' always stays at the back of our mind. These quite often lead to what we call a duel between us and the whole world termed, pretty aptly, as identity crisis. Often the identity that we carve for ourselves is not the persona envisioned by us. Well indeed some people are born with an identity that they are never able to shed and sometimes don't want to shed it and try to accumulate as much as they can on the basis of these identities. As for myself, I have been building my own for several years and though I seem to have lost myself in the confused whirlpool of the quest for the real me, I believe one day the whole world will actually figure out who I really am. Truly enough, some people are born with an identity, while others have to borne one.
This is a story of the infinite amount of sorrow and happiness that bounce against the corridor of uncertainty in the life of the ever elusive Champ. Yeah! that's me and this is the tale of my life ... Or Something like it.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
In the Name of Love ...
Love :
strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties ; the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration and unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another
What can you say about a feeling when the world seems to you as a distant reality and you start living in a world of dreams? An emotion that transforms even the staunch pessimist into a optimistic soul who sees a ray of hope in every action done upon him. You become nobler by virtues, kinder at heart and caring in nature. I haven't figured it out as to what it as, yet, but my friends say that these are signs of love, so let us assume that this is love. Love is indeed a very pristine, sweet and binding experience that is at times tender and at times tough. Love gives you a being of togetherness that helps you reinvent yourself. Love is a source of strength and support. Certainly love is not the aim of life but a very integral part of it that, however we might ignore, will anyhow find a way into our lives. I have been in love and although a sad ending is in sight, I don't regret being in love. Being in love has helped me find myself, given me a sense of maturity and responsibility, helped me sort out my priorities and most importantly restored my faith in myself. I had always assumed that I would easily avoid being in love, which I earlier considered a distraction, but Cupid is definitely a sharpshooter and he didn't miss me either. Although the way my love story is shaping up unless a miracle happens, I would never be able to express my love to my sweetheart (for her goodwill though) but then I had never made a deal that I should get love in return of mine. In spite of my current stand in love, which you might consider as a result of my craziness or foolery, I don't have any complaints because my love for my sweetheart has given me enough strength to get me through a very bad phase although she might never know this. I think these words and feelings are better understood by those who have been through this. My advice to all will be that you should be in love at least once in your life so that you understand its essence and magnanimity. And no matter how much you try to ignore it or get desperate with it, love will catch you unaware and surprise you. Love is dictated by Mother Nature and is something you cannot escape nor can be thrusted upon. Love will happen when it has to and when you least expect it to.
Love has been a very favourite topical for many a scripts but I find the true essence of love in very few of those. I, certainly, can't comprehend why it is said that all is fair in love because I think there are some rules to this. You can't betray your sweetheart for others nor can you give up everything else for your sweetheart. I have seen people giving up their families for love and being hailed as soldiers of love. I have read about people killing for love. Is it love?Love never teaches these. Love can never get you far from anyone because it's job is to bind. Love binds all of us together then how can it be love if you betray one for the other. Love preaches of a perfect balance in life. Love gives you the strength to defend not attack others. Love is not just about living and dying together but being together forever at heart even though not physically and uniting others with the power of our love. Unlike all good things though, I feel, true love doesn't always have a happy ending and the essence of true love is loving one irrespective of what the climax of the story will be.
A lot been said about love (maybe this is my last treatise on love), my views might differ from that of others but still all of us have done what we have done in love , all in the name of love ...
strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties ; the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration and unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another
What can you say about a feeling when the world seems to you as a distant reality and you start living in a world of dreams? An emotion that transforms even the staunch pessimist into a optimistic soul who sees a ray of hope in every action done upon him. You become nobler by virtues, kinder at heart and caring in nature. I haven't figured it out as to what it as, yet, but my friends say that these are signs of love, so let us assume that this is love. Love is indeed a very pristine, sweet and binding experience that is at times tender and at times tough. Love gives you a being of togetherness that helps you reinvent yourself. Love is a source of strength and support. Certainly love is not the aim of life but a very integral part of it that, however we might ignore, will anyhow find a way into our lives. I have been in love and although a sad ending is in sight, I don't regret being in love. Being in love has helped me find myself, given me a sense of maturity and responsibility, helped me sort out my priorities and most importantly restored my faith in myself. I had always assumed that I would easily avoid being in love, which I earlier considered a distraction, but Cupid is definitely a sharpshooter and he didn't miss me either. Although the way my love story is shaping up unless a miracle happens, I would never be able to express my love to my sweetheart (for her goodwill though) but then I had never made a deal that I should get love in return of mine. In spite of my current stand in love, which you might consider as a result of my craziness or foolery, I don't have any complaints because my love for my sweetheart has given me enough strength to get me through a very bad phase although she might never know this. I think these words and feelings are better understood by those who have been through this. My advice to all will be that you should be in love at least once in your life so that you understand its essence and magnanimity. And no matter how much you try to ignore it or get desperate with it, love will catch you unaware and surprise you. Love is dictated by Mother Nature and is something you cannot escape nor can be thrusted upon. Love will happen when it has to and when you least expect it to.
Love has been a very favourite topical for many a scripts but I find the true essence of love in very few of those. I, certainly, can't comprehend why it is said that all is fair in love because I think there are some rules to this. You can't betray your sweetheart for others nor can you give up everything else for your sweetheart. I have seen people giving up their families for love and being hailed as soldiers of love. I have read about people killing for love. Is it love?Love never teaches these. Love can never get you far from anyone because it's job is to bind. Love binds all of us together then how can it be love if you betray one for the other. Love preaches of a perfect balance in life. Love gives you the strength to defend not attack others. Love is not just about living and dying together but being together forever at heart even though not physically and uniting others with the power of our love. Unlike all good things though, I feel, true love doesn't always have a happy ending and the essence of true love is loving one irrespective of what the climax of the story will be.
A lot been said about love (maybe this is my last treatise on love), my views might differ from that of others but still all of us have done what we have done in love , all in the name of love ...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Bloggers ahoy !!!
Welcome to the world of e-writings !!! A highly innovative galaxy of inconsequential collection of both pragmatic as well as theoritical compositions. If you are still perplexed at what I am speaking about, then let me get to the point straightaway. The point for dissection today is the advent of the weblogs or the thing that we know in a better way as blogs. Blogs have so inundated into the digital web that they have found their way into the dictionaries, implying penning down articles on a website totally dedicated to these. The immensely popular Indian portal Rediff.com has rated e-blogs as one of the top ten emerging trends of 2005 ( read http://specials.rediff.com/yearend/2005/dec/20yend5.htm and http://www.rediff.com/getahead/2005/sep/22blog.htm). The success of blogging is no mystery. Although it came to being as an instrument for noting important stats for personal use, blogs have metamorphosised into means of sharing personal experiences, expressing personal views, gossip engines etc. I was even stunned to see certain blogs being used by budding authors for getting exposure to their latest works by posting excerpts from these on their blogs. Blogs have been a boon for people like me who find it much easier to express their feelings and views in writings than through the word of mouth. Although I took up blogging to get a face to my suppressed views and have tried to make my blog as private as possible by making it accessible to restricted elite group, the accessibility to blogs is user-customisable i.e., you can make your blog a secret diary for your personal viewing only or a public repository. The most amusing thing about this is that you are reading this article about blogging in a blog !!! That speaks a lot about how blogs have entered in your life. With a number of people around me getting into this activity (even people whom I have never dreamt of writing), one thing's for sure blogging is here to stay.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Destiny's Child ...
Destiny - des·ti·ny - (d
) n. :
The power or agency thought to predetermine events

The power or agency thought to predetermine events
No doubt the gigantic world has submitted itself at the mighty strength of the human race but there is an element that no living creature has ever enslaved. It is this very thing that astonishes us every now and then reducing our enormous capabilities to mere facets of ornamentation. It is this very thing that has dictated the out comings of billions of years of human beings' existence. Call it Destiny, Fate, Fortune or Luck ... the power underneath remains the same. Man has so long tried to evade it but to no avail. In simple words, Destiny holds the keys to the future. Mankind has always searched for clues to know the secret of this entity and no matter whatever amount of research has been done to predict its path, destiny remains the mysterious stranger who decides the eventual consequence of any event. Myths have always floated around about how destiny works. Some claim that the world we live in is a precompiled script of the Almighty and as the plot moves on and the future unfurls, we call it destiny. Another faction claims that we are all part of a chess match between the Good and the Bad, and destiny is nothing but a move made by any of the either sides. The Scientific Community has deep belief that destiny works on Newton's third Law - " To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ". Hence as we sow, so we reap i.e., whatever happens in the future is because of our actions in the present. The Religious Community, which believes that man is reborn again and again till the spiritual attainment of Moksha, is of the view that destiny is an agent of God which keeps track of all the deeds of a human in its past birth and implements the results of his present actions on the basis of this. Whatever may be the views on this there can be only one conclusion - there is no way escaping our future and our fate for we are all Destiny's Children.
My Advice :
Simple... There is no point in toiling over something where we don't have any control. What we can do is our duty i.e., do what we have to without worrying about what future holds for us. At least then if we fail, we can be happy that we tried our best but destiny had other plans for us, rather not at all trying and leaving everything at fate's mercy.
My Advice :
Simple... There is no point in toiling over something where we don't have any control. What we can do is our duty i.e., do what we have to without worrying about what future holds for us. At least then if we fail, we can be happy that we tried our best but destiny had other plans for us, rather not at all trying and leaving everything at fate's mercy.
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